TrafficSurvey – Video post-processing platform

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Intertraffic 2024
16 - 19 April 2024
Amsterdam / Netherlands
22 - 23 May 2024
Coventry / England
Let's meet!

People tracking in crowded environment

Another great move and improvement of DataFromSky – take a look what the software is now capable of! We can detect and track people even in very crowded environment, reaching the accuracy of detection over 99 %!

The following video is a part of a project supported by EU programme Horizon 2020 called “Study of the individual and collective behavior of people in large-scale events”. The objective is to extract the trajectories of all individuals and to create a pedestrian behavior model for the crowded environment based on the real data from DataFromSky analysis.

This project opens new channels and brings other new possibilities in using DataFromSky in UAV monitoring:
– utilization in perimeter security – active and real-time aerial surveillance in mass events (sport events, concerts, parades, demonstrations etc.)
– detection of non-standard behavior, dangerous situations, suspicious gathering (in demonstrations and crowds)
– studies of pedestrians movement behavior and its patterns
and much more!

Keep a close eye on our website and social pages to follow our progress (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Vimeo)!