TrafficSurvey – Video post-processing platform

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Intertraffic 2024
16 - 19 April 2024
Amsterdam / Netherlands
22 - 23 May 2024
Coventry / England
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New version of DFS Viewer brings advanced Safety analysis

We are proud to announce that a new version of the DataFromSky Viewer is now available and brings lots of new amazing features for the advanced Safety Analysis. Do you want to evaluate how many risky situations and dangerous driving events occurred on the road? Use our DataFromSky intelligence! We can count the milliseconds to the near accident and predict the accident before it happened!

Traffic safety is a very important subject in the traffic industry and therefore our focus in this version was mainly on the new Safety Analysis feature that detects traffic conflicts like Time to Collision, Post-Encroachment Time or Heavy Braking in the scene. The DataFromSky Viewer now becomes a first tool that allows the user to detect and interactively analyse various traffic conflict situations between different traffic objects. Besides the standard ways of detecting the preemtive traffic conflicts, we used an innovative approach to simulate traffic object movement. Due to the huge interest in the traffic Safety Analysis, you can look forward to new features regarding this topic in the near future.

Enjoy a video showing an example usage of the new Safety Analysis feature:

The development of DataFromSky Safety Analysis features is done in collaboration with FAST VUT Brno and is supported by Technological Agency of Czech Republic (TAČR, project TH02010882).