TrafficSurvey – Video post-processing platform

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Intertraffic 2024
16 - 19 April 2024
Amsterdam / Netherlands
22 - 23 May 2024
Coventry / England
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Multicriteria selection of trajectories in DFS Viewer

How to apply multicriteria selection for all trajectories and choose only the ones you want? With DataFromSky Viewer – sofisticated software for advanced traffic data interpretation and visualization, you are able to create not only the simple Origin Destination Matrix, but with advanced setttings, the multi-criteria selection for the trajectories can be applied.

Usecase shown in the gif
If you want to track particular path and see how many vehicles have used that combination, a selection tool can be used.
In step 1, selection criteria for Entry and Exit gate were defined and all the trajectories, which have not used this combination were removed. After this selection, 4 trajectories remain.
Step 2 – As we wanted to know, how many cars leaving the service station in the South exit will turn right on the crossroad, another selection critera was applied. This condition specifies that only trajectories, which have used the combination Entry gate: south exit of the service station and Exit gate: turning right on the traffic lights, will be shown. Finally, only 2 trajectories left, which fulfill all the above defined criteria.

Why is the multi-criteria selection useful?
– show only the trajectories you want
– monitor and analyze traffic behavior in a defined way
– monitor time cars spend in service station / facilities
– find traffic patterns, identify problematic zones