TrafficSurvey – Video post-processing platform

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Intertraffic 2024
16 - 19 April 2024
Amsterdam / Netherlands
22 - 23 May 2024
Coventry / England
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DataFromSky analyzed city center in Trondheim, Norway

DataFromSky helps with streets redesign in the center of Trondheim in Norway! Have a look at the great visualization from our DataFromSky tool!

Due to the introduction of the Metro bus system in Trondheim, our of the main streets leading into and through the city center will be redesigned. Elgeseter gate, which is the main road to the city center from the south is one of these streets. Over 22 000 vehicles drive through the street every day and approximately 100 buses pass in each direction in the peak hour. The street gives access to the University Hospital as well as the university in Trondheim, offices and residences. DataFromSky Partner – COWI – is making a zoning plan for the street and will do an analysis of different design alternatives. DataFromSky delivers in-depth analysis of the whole corridor in order to get knowledge about traffic flows, both cars, pedestrians and bicycles.
Do you want to help improve the traffic conditions in your city? DataFromSky will help you – contact us with a query!