TrafficSurvey – Video post-processing platform

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Intertraffic 2024
16 - 19 April 2024
Amsterdam / Netherlands
22 - 23 May 2024
Coventry / England
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New version of the Viewer can export headway data

We have recently released a new enhanced version of DataFromSky Viewer! You can download the demo package at the home page. The list of differences includes a lot of things, so let’s take a look at few of them.

New feature? Calculate and export headways!
Have a look on the picture below, how to display the headway data in the Viewer. It is important to have the gates set properly per each lane to get the most accurate data. Once you have all the gates defined, choose one gate in the Traffic Analysis Gates box and click on button “Show” in More Statistics option. In a newly opened window, there is possibility to click on Calculate headways. The system will automatically calculate headways for all defined gates in the video. The headway data can be exported to the CSV file, simply by clicking on “Export”.

Movement Dynamics Graph
We have visualized movement dynamics for each trajectory into a graph containing information about the vehicle’s speed and acceleration (total, lateral or tangential). This graph can be created for each selected trajectory.

dfs aktualita movement dynamics graph

Some other improvements…

  • Added option in CSV trajectory export to select time origin of the exported time stamps. Three options are available (the timestamp will be exported in accordance to the selected option):
    1. Start of Video Sequence
    2. Start of Tracking Log
    3. Start of Trajectory
  • Rewritten Gap-Time/Time-to-follow analysis to support better fine-tuned parameters
  • Added dialog for export of Gap-Time/Time-to-follow to enable user provided parameters for the analysis and export
  • Added manual (in pdf file) explaining the Gap-Time/Time-to-follow analysis