TrafficSurvey – Video post-processing platform

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Intertraffic 2024
16 - 19 April 2024
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22 - 23 May 2024
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ISO 39001 Road Safety seminar mentions DataFromSky

At the end of July, our Italian partner, Andrea Marella of, led an online seminar about road safety titled “Road traffic safety (RTS) management system standard“. DataFromSky was mentioned as one of the best ways to gather information about driver behaviour and safety.

During 2012 the International Organization for Standardization published a new standard called: ISO 39001:2012 – Road traffic safety (RTS) management systems – Requirements with guidance for use. The ISO provides a tool to help organizations to reduce and ultimately to eliminate the incidence and risk of death and serious injury related to road traffic crashes.

The webinar in question offered the following information and training:

  • Road safety concepts
  • Road risk factors
  • ISO 39001:2012 standard requirements
  • Road traffic safety (RTS) in the management systems
  • Guidelines for auditing a RTS management system
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DataFromSky was mentioned as a great source of data, and we must agree. The conflict heatmaps from simulation on next slide are exactly what we can deliver! Furthermore, we can do this from real data.

Stay tuned for more news about road safety…