TrafficSurvey – Video post-processing platform

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Intertraffic 2024
16 - 19 April 2024
Amsterdam / Netherlands
22 - 23 May 2024
Coventry / England
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DataFromSky mistaken for aliens!

Unidentified object in the skies of Trento, Italy – Aliens? Most of the citizens and local journals could think that, read some of the local newspapers. Do not worry, there is no danger of alliens attack so far, DataFromSky has a simple and reasonable explanation!

Using a special balloon for traffic data collecting, new DataFromSky traffic analysis near the city of Trento in northern Italy was undertaken within last weeks. Specially designed ballon was used for a 3hour long study of traffic flow in the multilevel roundabout as shown in the attached image. This helium-filled balloon has many advantages for the persistent traffic monitoring, in comparison to commonly used drones and UAV, as the operating time of the balloon can reach up to 5 hours! To get more information about this solution and its specification, read this article or contact us directly on