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DataFromSky in Czech TV!

logo Cesty k úspěchu DataFromSky and RCE appeared in Czech TV last thursday! We were covered as part of Cesty k úspěchu (Ways to success) – a series about new successful Czech entrepreneurs, currently in 11th season. The series is produced by Prima TV and sponsored by Komerční Banka. Marek Vašut, a popular Czech actor, is doing the interviews.

At the series’ website is a loose transcript of the interview (Google translate). A few parts are missing, though – eg. the funny relationship between founders: Aleš was supposed to teach David at a robotics course, but the actual flow of knowledge was not unidirectional. That’s when the idea of starting RCE Systems appeared first. DataFromSky came later.

As before in Denmark, logos are dutifully blurred by the broadcaster, but you can see our footage and the interviewer openly mentions DataFromSky.