TrafficSurvey – Video post-processing platform

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Intertraffic 2024
16 - 19 April 2024
Amsterdam / Netherlands
22 - 23 May 2024
Coventry / England
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Comprehensive traffic data gathering from drone videos

With FLOW you can gather multiple types of speed data! You can measure the section speed by defining the distance between two gates or you can georegister the scene to get the current speed. The speed data can then be presented for each individual object or also in the form of various statistics. Did you know you can get speed data not only from ground cameras but from drones as well?
🚁 Our TrafficDrone is a tethered drone solution that allows real-time, edge processing of video for traffic data extraction and was even tested by the Czech Police. The section speed enables the quick deployment of TrafficDrone for speed and gap time measuring. Moreover, the TrafficDrone processing unit is rugged, mobile, and easy to set up. It is ideal for on-demand traffic monitoring and gathering of traffic statistics including counts, OD matrices, range of traffic violations, and more…

📥 You can try our FLOW software with the demo kit downloadable here.
❓ Do you have any questions? The product manager – Petr Dvořák will be happy to answer your questions about TrafficDrone at For any other queries, you can get in touch on our web chat or call +420 604 358 993