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DataFromSky Aerial analysis in the Netherlands

ROELOFS, an exclusive partner of DataFromSky in the Netherlands, carried out comprehensive traffic research of a traffic node in the province of Gelderland. The data collected with a drone and analyzed by DataFromSky Aerial platform will be used as the main source for a study for planned major maintenance in 2021.

The drone was deployed at the roundabout of the N318 Misterweg in Winterswijk. When preparing for the major maintenance of this road, it is also being examined whether road safety can be improved. Besides other things, DataFromSky offers many great features for analysis of traffic behavior and road safety, including analysis of risky situations or near collisions, calculation of Time to Collision, Heavy Breaking and analysis of many other factors.
For many years, the data were collected by people standing on the side and observing the traffic, then the data were evaluated manually. This process was lengthy, inefficient, and had low-precision data output. All of these shortcomings are overtaken with a new modern approach combining 2 great technologies of today world: drones and AI.

Read a post in “de Gerlander” online magazine.