Research projects
DataFromSky’s products are helping numerous academic institution with their research. The list of the projects is available below.
- All
- Sustainability
- Drone technology
- Behavioural analysis

Modelling of Traffic Load by the DataFromSky System in the Smart City Concept
Adamec, Schullerova, Herman, Urbanek; 2020

Possibilities of the traffic emission monitoring in context of the smart cities concept
Adamec et al.; In : 7th International scientific conference of the Faculty of transport engineering. Through efficient transport to sustainable mobility; 2018

Automatic vehicle trajectory extraction for traffic analysis from aerial video data
Apeltauer et al.; In The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences40 (3), p. 9. ; 2015

On accuracy of position estimation from aerial imagery captured by low-flying UAVs
Babinec, Apeltauer; In International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 5 (3), pp. 152–166; 2016

How accurate are small drones for measuring microscopic traffic parameters?
Barmpounakis et al.; In Transportation Letters 11 (6), pp. 332–340; 2019

Longitudinal driver behaviour in different road environments
Batista; UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Göteborg, Sweden; 2019