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Bus & train station smart parking system in Hranice

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The town of Hranice, Czech Republic, was reconstructing two parking lots near local traffic hubs –  train station and bus station. At the same time, it was looking for an accurate and complex parking monitoring system to get more insights about the reconstructed parking lots. To do this, they asked our partner – Cross Zlín, that decided to install a modern ParkingDetection solution by DataFromSky.

Hranice parking lot monitoring CAMERAS on train station

Camera view visualization in ParkingDetection’s web interface

Our approach

Our experts decided to monitor the parking lots in their entirety to provide accurate and reliable information to the customer. Therefore, 3 new poles as well as 6 IP cameras were installed near the stations to cover all 153 parking spots. Furthermore, 3 processing units were added to analyze the received video data. 

To provide maximum insight, the system analyzes each and every parking spot, detecting vehicles’ parking times. Interestingly, there are several reserved parking spots with parking time limited to 15 minutes – and ParkingDetection monitors them as a separate group and checks if this limit wasn’t exceeded.

Hranice PD map visualisation

City overview of the parking lots and their occupancy


Thanks to ParkingDetection’s unique capabilities, the client receives detailed real-time information about each parking lot’s occupancy, parked vehicle types and parking turnover – an important parameter for lots near the stations. The system was also connected to a smart city platform INVIPO per client’s request.


ParkingDetection web interface with statistics – per hour occupancy

Moreover, the complex monitoring system offers more than 98% detection accuracy as the system constantly monitors each individual parking spot, delivering the client highly reliable data for parking management.

Want to read more? Go back to the BLOG.


Project details

  • Use case: Parking  near public transportation hub
  • Product: ParkingDetection
  • Vertical: Municipality
  • Location: Czech Republic

About Hranice

Town of Hranice is located on the borders of Moravia, Czech Republic. It has about 18 000 inhabitants and it is an important railway traffic hub.


2 monitored parking lots

Our solution was installed at two parking lots near local bus and train stations, providing the city with detailed information about the commuters’ behaviour.

153 parking spots covered

To obtain and process information about each individual vehicle, 6 cameras and 3 processing units were installed in total.

More than 98% detection accuracy

Thanks to a unique monitoring approach and our software’s self-correcting feature, the customer gets highly precise data about each parking spot.

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