TrafficSurvey – Video post-processing platform

Let's meet!
Intertraffic 2024
16 - 19 April 2024
Amsterdam / Netherlands
22 - 23 May 2024
Coventry / England
Let's meet!

Pedestrian & Cyclist Monitoring

Get detailed information on
non-motorized road users.

Explore behaviour of pedestrians and bikers and gain valuable data for traffic safety and design improvements. Detect people’s movement patterns, spot undesirable events and discover how your local active transportation evolves over time.

See a demonstration

Support active mobility

Make your city greener by encouraging ecological means of transport. FLOW helps you gather valuable data for justifying the investments in pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure.

smart sensor

Multiple applications

The neural network powering our software can easily recognize pedestrians, cyclists, bikers and even tuk-tuks!

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Learn more about people’s traffic habits and use the insights to increase their safety.

Movement patterns

Learn more about people’s typical behaviour at the monitored site. Map their routes and see the most used patterns and behaviours – or create comprehensible heatmaps to have different overview on the traffic. Use the insights to improve safety of the road users.

Cyclists in the traffic

Cyclists and pedestrians are the most vulnerable road users. Inspect if their safety in the traffic is ensured and find ways to improve it. With our tools, you can easily spot cyclists misusing the sidewalks or detect whether they ride or walk the bike.
See how it's done


Track movement of the pedestrians and identify problematic street areas. Investigate jaywalking or improper use of sidewalks and get further information about the pedestrian behavioural patterns. Adjust the traffic signs and road markings to improve the safety of both drivers and pedestrians.
See how it's done

Cyclist counter

Transparency is the key to motivate more people to ride a bike. Displaying the number of cyclists shows the people how an individual is contributing to the ecology of the city. Using FLOW, you can set up such a counter in a blink of an eye. And its open API ensures perfect connectivity to your LED signs.
See how it's done

Discover our solutions:

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An ideal solution for on edge real-time traffic analysis. Get instant information about non-motorized road users: track trajectories, utilize people counters and zone detection to obtain rich traffic data.

Equipped with an open API to ensure easy connectivity to your LED signs.

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Convert any camera network to a real-time traffic intelligence for smart cities of tomorrow. Collect data about active transportation and analyze them throughout time. 

The sixth traffic sense running on your in-house AI servers is here! 

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Already have camera footage?

Extract maximum data from your video with our unique post-recording analyzer. Conduct safety analysis, create heatmaps and explore people’s movement patterns.

sipky nahoru
FLOW Traffic

Solve your traffic tasks easily with Data From Sky.

Automate scenarios to make systems efficient. Let your city be smarter.