TrafficSurvey – Video post-processing platform
TrafficSurvey – Video post-processing platform
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We are pioneering new technologies and solutions to help cities solve their problems and aid their tranfrormation to smart cities.
DataFromSky and RCE Systems s.r.o. are pioneering new technologies and solutions to help cities solve their problems and aid their tranfrormation to smart cities thanks to various research grants. These technologies are based on computer vision and and focused for example on improving public space safety, improving traffic FLOW with V2X based technologies or providing new methods of traffic monitoring with the mobile surveillance TrafficDrone unit. To expand our innovation capabilities we work together with academic institutions and various business partners to deliver these projects.
The goal of this project is to develop a system for collaborative road traffic monitoring using drones and AI, validate its application under real traffic conditions, and create a methodology that will be reviewed by the relevant authority. The system will provide real-time analytics and data fusion from multiple camera sources located on drones and/or […]
Popis projektu: Předmětem projektu je posílení růstové motivace společnosti žadatele RCE systems s. r. o., která je malým podnikem, jeho schopnosti a marketingové připravenosti vstupovat na nové trhy mimo Českou republiku a udržet se na nich. Prostřednictvím projektu dojde k usnadnění vstupu na další zahraniční trhy díky individuální účasti na zahraničních výstavách a veletrzích, což […]
The goal of the project is to develop, demonstrate and validate a system for indirect measuring of exhaust and non-exhaust emissions. The system would be able to do this in real-time by utilizing a combination of detailed traffic data, morphology of the terrain and advanced multi-emission models. With the use of computer vision and AI […]
The project focuses on the classification of the social and psychological parameters of persons in crowded places with the poor protection. This information will be extracted from a video data typical for a common surveillance infrastructure (such as a railway station or shopping center system) using methods of psychological analysis, machine vision and deep neural […]
The aim is to develop new traffic detection system for adaptive control of junctions and traffic surveys, which will combine the advantages of radar and optical technology using artificial intelligence methods both in image processing and aggregation of individual measurements. The detector computation unit will be based on new AI processors for embedded systems that […]
The aim of the project is to develop and demonstrate a comprehensive mobile platform for real-time bird monitoring of traffic, using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and advanced computer vision methods based on artificial intelligence within three years. The output of the project will be a system for rapid deployment and supervision of the defined area […]
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